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Download Hello Neighbor Ios [CRACKED]

How to Download Hello Neighbor iOS

Have you ever wondered what secrets your neighbor is hiding in his basement? Do you have the courage and skills to sneak into his house and find out? If you do, then you should try playing Hello Neighbor, a stealth horror game with adaptive AI that will challenge your every move.

Hello Neighbor is a game developed by tinyBuild LLC and Dynamic Pixels that was released in 2017 for PC and consoles. It has since been ported to various platforms including iOS

  • Graphics: You can enjoy the high-quality graphics of Hello Neighbor on your iOS device. The game has a colorful and cartoonish style that contrasts with the dark and creepy atmosphere. The game also has realistic shadows, lighting, and reflections that enhance the immersion and realism.
  • Controls: You can control Hello Neighbor with your iOS device’s touchscreen. The game has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to move, look around, interact, and use items with ease. You can also customize the sensitivity, size, and position of the buttons according to your preference.
  • How to download Hello Neighbor on iOS devices?

    Downloading Hello Neighbor on iOS devices is very easy and straightforward. You just need to follow these steps:

    1. Open the App Store on your iOS device and search for Hello Neighbor.
    2. Select the game from the search results and tap on the Get button.
    3. Enter your Apple ID and password if prompted and confirm your purchase.
    4. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
    5. Launch the game from your home screen and enjoy!

    How to download Hello Neighbor for free?

    If you want to try Hello Neighbor for free before buying it, you have two options:

    • Trial version: You can download a trial version of Hello Neighbor from the App Store that allows you to play the first act of the game for free. You can access the trial version by tapping on the Try It For Free button on the game’s page in the App Store.
    • Watch ads: You can also watch ads to unlock more acts of the game for free. You can do this by tapping on the Watch Ads button on the game’s main menu. You will need to watch a certain number of ads to unlock each act. However, this option is only available for a limited time and may not be available in some regions.

    How to download Hello Neighbor full game?

    If you want to download Hello Neighbor full game and enjoy all its features and content, you have two options:

    • Purchase it from the App Store: You can purchase Hello Neighbor full game from the App Store for $14.99. This will give you access to all four acts of the game, as well as Secret Neighbor mode and multiplayer mode. You will also get free updates and bug fixes.
    • Use in-app purchases: You can also use in-app purchases to unlock more acts of the game. You can do this by tapping on the Unlock Act button on the game’s main menu. You will need to pay $3.99 for each act, or $11.99 for all four acts. However, this option will not give you access to Secret Neighbor mode or multiplayer mode.

    How to play Hello Neighbor on iOS devices?

    Playing Hello Neighbor on iOS devices is fun and challenging. You will need to use your creativity, stealth, and logic to outsmart the neighbor and discover his secrets. Here are some tips and tricks on how to play Hello Neighbor on iOS devices:

    • How to sneak into the neighbor’s house: To sneak into the neighbor’s house, you will need to find a way to enter without being seen or heard by him. You can use different entrances such as windows, doors, vents, or ladders. You can also use objects such as boxes, chairs, or trash cans to block his view or create noise distractions. You can also hide in places such as closets, cabinets, or beds if he is nearby.
    • How to avoid the neighbor’s traps and cameras: To avoid the neighbor’s traps and cameras, you will need to be careful and observant. You can use objects such as magnets, flashlights, or fireworks to disable or destroy them. You can also use objects such as umbrellas, buckets, or glue to protect yourself from them. You can also avoid them by taking different routes or timing your movements.
    • How to use items and tools: To use items and tools, you will need to tap on them in your inventory or in the environment. You can use items such as keys, crowbars, or wrenches to open locked doors or remove obstacles. You can use tools such as binoculars, cameras, or walkie-talkies to spy on the neighbor or communicate with other players. You can also combine items such as firecrackers, alarm clocks, or radios to create more effective distractions.

    How to play Hello Neighbor with friends?

    If you want

    If you want to play Hello Neighbor with friends, you have two options:

    • Secret Neighbor mode: You can play Secret Neighbor mode with up to six players online. In this mode, one of the players is secretly the neighbor in disguise, who can use his abilities to sabotage the others. The other players have to work together to find the keys and escape the basement before the neighbor catches them. You can choose from different characters with different abilities and roles, such as leader, scout, inventor, bagger, detective, or brat.
    • Multiplayer mode: You can play multiplayer mode with up to four players online or locally. In this mode, you can either cooperate or compete with other players in various scenarios and challenges. You can also customize the game settings such as the neighbor’s AI, the items available, the time limit, etc.

    How to troubleshoot Hello Neighbor on iOS devices?

    Sometimes, you may encounter some problems or issues when playing Hello Neighbor on iOS devices. Here are some solutions for common ones:

    • Crashes: If the game crashes or freezes, you can try to restart your device, update your iOS version, update the game app, clear your cache and data, or reinstall the game.
    • Glitches: If the game has glitches or errors, you can try to restart the game, restart your device, update your iOS version, update the game app, clear your cache and data, or reinstall the game.
    • Bugs: If the game has bugs or issues that affect the gameplay, you can try to report them to the developers through their website or social media accounts. You can also check for updates and patches that may fix them.
    • Compatibility issues: If the game is not compatible with your device or iOS version, you can try to check the game’s requirements and specifications on the App Store. You can also check for updates and patches that may improve the compatibility.

    How to contact Hello Neighbor support team?

    If you need more help or have any questions or feedback about Hello Neighbor, you can contact Hello Neighbor support team through these channels:

    • Email: You can send an email to and they will reply as soon as possible.
    • Website: You can visit their website at and find more information and resources about the game.
    • Social media accounts: You can follow them on their social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Discord, etc. and get the latest news and updates about the game. You can also interact with them and other players there.

    How to enjoy Hello Neighbor more?

    Hello Neighbor is a game that offers a lot of fun and excitement for its players. However, if you want to enjoy it more, here are some suggestions:

    • Explore different scenarios and endings: Hello Neighbor has a nonlinear story with multiple endings depending on your choices and actions. You can try to explore different scenarios and outcomes by changing your strategy, taking different paths, or making different decisions. You may discover new secrets, surprises, or twists along the way.
    • Watch videos and streams of other players: Hello Neighbor is a game that is fun to watch as well as to play. You can watch videos and streams of other players on platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Gaming, etc. and see how they play the game. You may learn some new tips and tricks, see some funny moments or reactions, or get inspired by their creativity.
    • Read reviews and guides: Hello Neighbor is a game that has a lot of reviews and guides from critics and fans alike. You can read them on websites such as Metacritic, IGN, GameSpot, Steam, etc. and see what they think about the game. You may find some useful information
    • Read reviews and guides: Hello Neighbor is a game that has a lot of reviews and guides from critics and fans alike. You can read them on websites such as Metacritic, IGN, GameSpot, Steam, etc. and see what they think about the game. You may find some useful information, insights, or opinions that can help you improve your gameplay or appreciate the game more.
    • Learn more about Hello Neighbor story and lore: Hello Neighbor is a game that has a rich and intriguing story and lore behind it. You can learn more about it by reading the books, comics, prequels, spin-offs, and other media that expand the universe and the characters of the game. You can also join the fan community and discuss your theories and ideas with other fans.


    Hello Neighbor is a game that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you try to uncover the secrets of your neighbor’s basement. It is a game that will test your stealth, logic, and creativity as you face a smart and adaptive AI that will learn from your actions and counter them. It is a game that will offer you a lot of fun and excitement as you play it on your iOS device.

    If you are looking for a game that will challenge you, scare you, and entertain you, then you should download Hello Neighbor on iOS today. You will not regret it!


    Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about downloading and playing Hello Neighbor on iOS devices:

    1. Q: How much storage space do I need to download Hello Neighbor on iOS?
    2. A: You need at least 1.2 GB of free storage space on your iOS device to download Hello Neighbor.
    3. Q: How do I save my progress in Hello Neighbor on iOS?
    4. A: Hello Neighbor on iOS has an auto-save feature that saves your progress every time you complete an act or exit the game. You can also manually save your progress by tapping on the Save button on the pause menu.
    5. Q: How do I change the language in Hello Neighbor on iOS?
    6. A: You can change the language in Hello Neighbor on iOS by tapping on the Settings button on the main menu and then selecting the Language option. You can choose from English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.
    7. Q: How do I adjust the volume in Hello Neighbor on iOS?
    8. A: You can adjust the volume in Hello Neighbor on iOS by tapping on the Settings button on the main menu and then selecting the Audio option. You can adjust the master volume, music volume, sound effects volume, and voice volume separately.
    9. Q: How do I reset my progress in Hello Neighbor on iOS?
    10. A: You can reset your progress in Hello Neighbor on iOS by tapping on the Settings button on the main menu and then selecting the Reset option. You will be asked to confirm your decision before deleting all your data.


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