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Courses and Workshops – for Musicians, Artists, Writers and Hobbyists.

The Worship of the Image of God – The Bible Speaks of an Icon of God as being “A Light in the World”.
We are pleased to announce the availability of the newest issue of the Newsletter. Welcome to the World of Sikhism.
A Message from The Sikh Gurus – Love for Humanity, Prayer for the Earth.

Now, many of us are so busy that the 9 to 5 job can take up our entire day. Some of us are entrepreneurs and work from home. Some of us are mothers, wives and mothers-to-be. Others are students or pastors. Regardless, we are all busy. We are the overworked, the underappreciated. We are also the breadwinners for our families. We are the ones who are to be found working overtime, running late, or at all hours of the night. We are the people who rush headlong from meeting to meeting, from appointment to appointment. We are the people who are always late for things. We are the ones who seem to find it difficult to say no to our jobs. But who are we?


Kalimah: “The Name”, “An Auspicious Name”


Kalimah (Bengali:কলিমহ, Kalīmā) is the name of the phrase uttered by a Hindu devotee to seek the divine grace of his or her God. It is usually accompanied with the phrases “O God” or “O Lord”. Kalimah is a shortened form of the longer form Kalima, which literally means “consolation”.

Khalil Gibran’s Kalim

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